Why stop and sip the tea?

No, this blog is not named after the sassy meme of 2015. Instead, the reason behind the name is rather unimaginative.


I like tea. It’s as simple as that really! I created this blog as a place to pour my emotions and organize my thoughts. Writing time would (and will hopefully) be a time to stop and think about my life; to be more mindful of the things which are great, but also things which are not so great in my life too. To ‘stop and sip the tea’. It’s an amendment of the old adage ‘stop and sniff the roses’, to suit the purpose of this blog and to include my love of tea.

In actuality, drinking tea is itself an expression of my new adage. Unlike coffee which is usually consumed for it’s stimulant property while on the go, tea is often consumed as a part of a whole experience. Whether joining family and friends around the table for a chat, a teapot and some biscuits, cuddling up with a warm mug and a book in bed (or whatever else springs to mind for you), drinking tea usually comes with a pause in time and the fostering of positive feelings. Friendship, comfort, warmth, calm…these are just some.

Long story short, I didn’t think about Kermit the frog sipping on Lipton until after I chose the name. I guess it made for a good introduction though.

In the end it really doesn’t matter why I named my blog this way. However I do think it is a nice little metaphor, so I have decided to share it with you. Moving forward into the future, I also hope to share some of the highs and the lows of my life with you, any pieces of wisdom I learn along the way, and possibly more of my love for tea, along with my other likes and hobbies on occasion. I am sure to be writing a fair bit on here, especially within the next week or two as I figure out this website and develop my blog, so keep an eye out if you are at all interested in seeing what I’m all about. And in the meantime sit back, relax, and maybe enjoy a cuppa or two.


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